Violett's cleaning
Chicagoland cleaning Service

We Are a Pet Friendly Service

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Monday - Friday
6.30am - 5pm
Saturday 7am - 1pm


We accept cash and checks

Visit: 568985

You don't have time to clean your house?

Don't worry

I can help youkeep your house cleancontact meand we can schedule your house to be cleaned weeklybi weekly or once a month

Services area

Violett’s Cleaning Service is efficient and tailor maids for our clients needs. We serves all surrounding Chicagoland areas Included :


Cary, Illinois

Zip codes:


Ways to clean windows without streaks

Newspapers - crumpled newspaper should polish already cleaned the glass for effect sheen.
Nylon tights - Take advantage of them to the final polishing, as well remove streaks from washed windows.
Dish-washing liquid - For hot water, add a small amount of fluid. Windows, wipe with a cloth does not leave behind lint.
Lemon - to 3 liters of water just add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and apply the liquid on the glass.
Vinegar - mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 9 vinegar spray the glass, then wipe dry with a paper towel.
Ammonia - Up to three cups of water, add one cup of ammonia. So the resulting solution sprayed glass.
Glycerin - A few drops added to the water will make on the windows will not be deposited dust, and the rain will not stay on them any spills.
Linseed oil - If the windows were long unwashed and are very dirty should start by rubbing them with linseed oil. Only after you wash it off and apply water with detergent.
Violett's Cleaning Service 630-269-4234 in Cary, Illinois 60013
and Polish Cleaning Service in Lake Zurich, Kildeer, Long Grove, Fox Lake, McHenry, Wauconda, Round Lake, Barrington, Hawthorn Woods,